How secure is Backer? How do you keep my personal information safe?


Security you can trust.

As an SEC-registered investment adviser, we have a fiduciary duty to put your interests first and to safeguard your personal information and money.


Backer uses bank-level security to keep your sensitive financial data safe. We use the strongest available browser encryption (256 - bit, which is why you see the green bar), secure servers monitored 24/7/ 365, and identity verification services to protect your personal information. Your actual investment accounts are managed by the 529 plans that we recommend.

Backer has privacy procedures in place that govern how we guard your personal information. We also maintain a Business Continuity Plan that establishes protocols for responding to significant business disruptions and is intended to ensure that critical functions can continue or resume as quickly as possible in the event of a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or other disruption. Please contact us for a copy of our Business Continuity Plan Disclosure Statement.

If you choose to start saving with a Backer Safe, your money will be held at one of the largest U.S. banks for your benefit, and will be FDIC-insured up to $250,000. We'll invest it for you in a 529 plan once you're ready. If you choose to invest your savings in a 529 plan, your investment will be placed in a state-sponsored account managed by a national investment company. Your investment will be tax-free as long as you end up using it for qualified education expenses.

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